The cipher kathe koja review
The cipher kathe koja review

Goodreads: DJ: Before we go, what is that one thing you’d like readers to know about Velocities that we haven’t talked about yet? DJ: Where can readers find out more about you? I’m pretty geeked for new readers to meet the Funhole.

the cipher kathe koja review

Kathe: My classic novel The Cipher will be reissued ub September 2020, by Meerkat Press, who are also publishing Velocities. DJ: Now that Velocities is released, what is next for you?

the cipher kathe koja review

Kathe: I would love to know the answer to that! I hope readers will share their thoughts, reactions, reviews, when they’ve finished Velocities. DJ: What do you think readers will be talking about most once they finish it? A collection’s an excellent way to learn whether a writer’s voice is one you want to spend time with. Kathe: Being able to offer these stories to readers, especially readers who might never have read anything of mine before. DJ: What was your favorite part about writing Velocities? He’s very smart, and appallingly amoral, and I’m very fond of him. Kathe: My own favorite is “La reine d’Enfer.” That story is told by Pearlie, an exceedingly streetwise young man, who’s already seen a great deal of darkness in his young life, and is determined not to be its victim, no matter what that takes. DJ: This may… this will be a difficult question to answer, but what are some of your favorite stories in Velocities? I don’t mean what you believe is the best, but perhaps some story has a particular setting, theme, message, or character that stood out to you? And if I do my job right, that comet will light up the sky for the reader. A novel is always a slower burn.Īnd I can pretty much tell, or feel, how long a work is going to be before I begin – some characters’ situations will require room, and some will flash by like a comet. Kathe: A short story, at its best, is distilled, it’s like a shot of espresso, it hits the bloodstream right away. DJ: Being an author, what do you believe makes a good short-story? How does it differ from wiring novel-length stories? All my fiction, stories and novels, begins always with a character. But all of them offer a reader a moment of connection with a character. Kathe: There are straight-up horror stories here, there are historical stories, there are totally unclassifiable stories. DJ: What kinds of stories can readers expect in the anthology? It was the right time to put together a new collection. And I had two unpublished stories I wanted to share, so. And my last collection, Extremities, came out quite awhile ago. Kathe: I’ve written a lot of short stories. DJ: What were some of the inspirations behind Velocities? It wasn’t a strict or even really conscious process, more like arranging a bouquet of strange flowers than assembling a construct.

the cipher kathe koja review the cipher kathe koja review

Kathe: Velocities is my second fiction collection, bringing together stories I chose that seemed to have a similar feeling, or mood, or attitude. ◊ ◊ ◊ DJ: Hi Kathe! Thanks for stopping by to do this interview! For readers who aren’t familiar with you, could you tell us a little about yourself? Kathe Koja: Hi, and thanks for the invitation! I’m a writer – working on my 18th book now – and an event creator, putting together creative artists from various disciplines to make immersive events. Today I am interviewing Kathe Koja, author of the new short-fiction collection, Velocities.

The cipher kathe koja review